Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mikkeller Rauch Geek Breakfast

Beer Geek Breakfast is a classic by Mikkeller that is now available in a couple different forms. Beer Geek Brunch, Beer Geek Weasel, and now Rauch Geek Breakfast. This version is made with smoked malt to give it a nice bacon-like aroma.

The beer pours a thick, viscous black with a dark tan head, about a finger and a half thick. It had moderate retention, sticking around for a few minutes before dissipating to a thin foam coating on top. There was definite lacing on the glass as well, in thin streaks.

The aroma initially is overwhelming smoked malt, with a strong meaty, bacon smell. After that subsides a bit, some dark malt comes through with a bit of roast and sweetness. It seems a little nutty and coffee-like as well.

The taste initially has a mild smoked flavor with hints of bacon, followed by a strong coffee bitterness in the back of the mouth. The roast flavor lingers with just a bit of smoke for a while. I feel like I was getting a touch of nut as well right in the middle of my tongue.

The body actually seems fairly moderate, with a decent level of prickling carbonation. I expected this one to be heavier feeling than it is, although it's by no means light. There is some substance to it for sure. There's just a little bit of warmth in the throat as well. It also seemed a little creamy.

Overall, this is an extremely tasty brew, but it's not one to be gulped down by any means. I really wanted to savor this glass. I don't think I'd drink more than one at a time, but it would be a nice way to start off the day.

- Adam

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