A Munich Dunkel style lager, Warsteiner Dunkel conforms to the German Purity Law or the "Reinheitsgebot". This law states that the only ingredients used to make the beer are malted barley, water, yeast, and hops. The Warsteiner brewery is a mass production facility, and as such is relatively easy to get and fairly cheap for an import.
The beer pours a dark chocolate brown, with red highlights. There's a bit of a tan head, but it dissipates fairly quickly.
The aroma is sweet and bready. There's almost a biscuit-like quality to it. The malt comes through well though. It's not terribly complex, but not unattractive either.
The taste is mostly biscuity and sweet. There's some citrus flavor mixed in as well. There's absolutely no bitterness to the beer, no trace of hops. Not really any alcohol flavor either. The finish is extremely smooth.
The mouthfeel is pretty light, especially for such a dark beer. There's a mild tangy carbonation to it. It goes down very easily.
The drinkability of this beer is extremely high. It's got a decent flavor, nothing unpleasant about it. On the other hand there's nothing that really stands out about it either. It's pretty cheap ($6.60 for a 6 pack), tastes good, and is really easy to drink. The ABV is relatively low at 4.9%. I can see this going in my regular rotation for when the beer isn't what I'm focusing on.
- Adam
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