Looking at the posts I've made so far, it seems like I've been biased towards posting all the darkest beers we brought on our trip. So to remedy that situation, here's Czechvar. Originally named Budweiser Budvar, this beer precedes the American "Budweiser" but due to a trade dispute from 1911, Anheuser-Busch is allowed sole rights to the name in North America. Consequently, imports of this beer from Budweis in the Czech Republic are renamed to Czechvar.
This beer pours an extremly attractive clear amber color. There's no head to speak of, save a thin white ring around the edge of the glass. There's no lacing at all with this beer.
The aroma is fairly standard. However there is a flowery hop smell present that stands out among the normal "beery" smells.
The taste of this beer is dominated by bottled water. Obviously there are plenty of other tastes present, even more strongly than the water taste, but the water really dominated the taste for me. It was like drinking a beer flavored bottle of Deer Park. Besides the water flavor, there were hints of spice and banana present. The rest of the flavor is stereotypical beer.
The mouthfeel was very light and bubbly. It felt thin in the mouth as well as in flavor, but crisp and extremely refreshing.
Ok, so this wasn't the best beer ever. Not even close. But it does stand out in drinkability. It was extremely easy to drink, was very refreshing... I'd say it may be one of the best thirst-quenchers I've ever had. This would be perfect after a hot summer day outdoors... just not so much on a windy day in North Carolina when we can't get out to the beach at all. All in all, this seems like the beer that "Budweiser" wishes it could be.
- Adam
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