Even this beer's name suggests that you're getting something a bit different when you try it. Even though "Peculier" means particular, this beer is a bit odd when compared to pretty much everything I've tried so far. By no means is this a bad thing though, this beer was extremely enjoyable for me.
Old Peculier is a vintage ale, and has been made under this name since the 1890's. I'd been wanting to try this one for a while, and this trip turned out to be a perfect excuse.
Not really knowing what kind of glass this beer should go in, we poured it into our Pauwel Kwak glasses. It poured a deep brown with reddish highlights, and a small light tan head that dissipated fairly quickly. There was no visible lacing on the glass.
The aroma was hoppy with a hint of spice to me. Dan described it as a bit "sweet and sour" which I believe is an apt description. Honestly though, I was stumped by this beer. I really don't know how to describe the aroma. It's very far from anything I'm used to.
The taste was fairly hard to describe as well. There were coffee and caramel flavors. A slight amount of bitterness was present, but it wasn't overwhelming or unpleasent. All in all, it was very rich, complex, and well rounded. There was a fair bit of warmth going down too.
The mouth feel was kind of thick and not too carbonated. However, there was still a good tingle on the tounge from the carbonation, and was not flat at all.
I still don't know how I feel about the drinkability of this beer. My initial reaction was that it was something to savor and enjoy, possibly on it's own. I also said that I couldn't see myself drinking many of these in one sitting. Now though, I wonder if it's because the flavor just takes a little getting used to. I could see this being a great beer for a cold winter day.
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