I almost didn't pick up this beer because typically I had associated hops with bitterness, and I tend not to like things that are strongly bitter. However, I had just been reading about wet hopping process that day, and seeing this bottle just felt like fate. Wet hopping is the process by which fresh, rather than dried hops, are added to the beer during the brewing process. Because the hops are perishable, they are generally picked directly off the vine during the harvest season in September, then shipped immediately to the brewery to go into the beer. A much higher weight of hops than usual are added, as the hops contain mostly water, so they are not as concentrated as dry hops. Sierra Nevada claims that this was the first US beer to be brewed with 100% fresh wet hops.
The beer poured a dark tan/red color with a 3 finger light tan head. It had good retention, and nice lacing as the glass progressed.
The aroma was mostly hoppy, with grassy overtones. There was a sweetness to the smell, a little bit of a floral scent, and some fruit. The label said it should have an aroma of pine and citrus, and although I could see the pine, I really didn't detect the citrus.
The taste was sweet just on the tip of the tongue at first, and then gave way to a strong hop bitterness. There were burnt and roasted malt flavors as well. I didn't note much alcohol, except a little in the aftertaste. I did notice that the beer got less bitter as I continued with it, either because I was getting used to it or for some other reason.
The beer had a medium-heavy body with just a light tingle from the carbonation. Overall it was on the thick side. It was a little dry as well, but definitely not too much. Not quite refreshing, but not something that would make you thirsty either.
I'm really still not sure how drinkable I considered the beer. I did enjoy it, and thought that it was good, but I don't think I would like to have more than one. It was a little bit strong, weighing in at 6.7% ABV, although certainly not too much. I can't see myself going back for another any time soon, but maybe when next year's batch rolls around I'll be in the mood for it again.
- Adam
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