Well, after Orval I wasn't really sure what to expect. Chimay was good, Achel was good, Orval was not so great. I think I would have enjoyed Orval a lot more if it hadn't been a trappist ale, as I just had higher than average expectations for it.
Rochefort comes in three different varieties, each made with the same ingredients but of different strength. There's the 6, the 8, and the 10. The numbers are from an outdated Belgian system to measure a beer's strength based on the specific gravity of the wort. We went with the 8 which weighs in at 9.2% ABV.
The appearance of the beer is a dark, cloudy brown color. There's a slowly dissipating foamy 1 finger off-white head. As the beer is consumed, it leaves a little lacing on the glass. I've had this beer twice now, and the second time there was a good bit of flaky sediment floating in the glass. It was a bit gross to look at but, it was harmless - just some coagulated protein. It isn't harmful and doesn't alter the taste, although I admit it made me a little uncomfortable.
The taste is very malty and sweet, I didn't detect much bitterness in there at all. There's strong amounts of chocolate in the flavor, and it's a little warming. I also noticed a touch of fruitiness in the flavor, but it was hard to pin down exactly what kind. It's extremely tasty, but it's not overwhelming either. There's the slightest hint of alcohol in the aftertaste, but not nearly enough to indicate it's strength.
The mouthfeel is thick, and there's moderate carbonation. It was a good combination, since it keeps the beer from feeling too heavy. I also noted that with the second bottle, I couldn't actually feel the sediment in my mouth.
The drinkability of this beer is high. The taste is amazing, so I could see myself being able to drink more than one, but the alcohol content would make that a bad idea. I definitely wouldn't want to drink this one quickly... it deserves to be enjoyed.
- Adam
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