Sunday, May 9, 2010

Terrapin Capt'n Krunkles Black IPA

For anyone particularly interested in the beer scene, black IPAs are kind of the "in" thing right now. As a style, it's not really recognized yet by the BJCP, but there's some talk of creating a classification called "Cascadian Dark Ale" for it. It's been debated as to whether there's enough difference to give it it's own style, or if it's more of a "hoppy stout" or a "dark IPA". Regardless, this type of beer is popping up more and more in the craft brewing scene. Capt'n Krunkles is one such beer, and it's in our glasses today.

The beer pours a dark black color, with just a hint of red in it. The head is a light tan, about 1/4 finger thick and fluffy. Some lacing is left, but the head had only a moderate retention.

The smell is strongly hoppy, with citrus overtones. There's a grapefruit smell to it, probably from some Cascade. Dan said he wasn't really getting that but more of a pine aroma, which I can see a little bit, but I'm really feeling more of the citrus. I'm also getting a little bit of roast in the smell, but it seems mostly hop dominated.

The taste initially is a smooth, roasted quality that gives way to a slightly grassy hop flavor and a strong bitterness in the back. There's also some spice in the back of the mouth. I feel like there may be a bit of coffee in the back, but it's covered over by the hop bitterness.

The beer actually feels a bit light in the mouth, not really watery, but it's a little on the airy side. It's got a sharp carbonation, medium-high to high. It's not overcarbonated though. There's kind of a oily coating in the mouth from it.

Overall this beer is a delicious hop-head focused offering. The dark beer flavors don't come through a ton, but the hop is very in your face. It really doesn't seem like 7.5% either, although I am feeling it a little bit. I'm definitely glad I tried it, and I wouldn't turn it down again.

- Adam

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