Friday, July 31, 2009

New Belgium Fat Tire

Fat Tire is a beer I've been hearing about for a while, but I hadn't gotten the opportunity to try it until right now. Yes, I'm drinking it while writing this review. People have been raving about it on Home Brew Talk and I've seen a couple clone recipes, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

Fat Tire pours a hazy golden amber color. It's got a fairly insubstantial foamy white head that's less than 1/4 finger, but leaves a dusting on the top through the glass.

The beer smells very interesting to start off. It's got a subtle malt quality, with some flowery hop scents underneath. There's a somewhat toasty quality to it too. It smells a lot like freshly milled honey malt grains.

The taste is strongly biscuity. It's bready overall, with a nice sweet toasted quality to it. There's a clean hop bitterness in the back of the mouth. I got a little bit of a flavor reminiscent of chocolate just in the back of my mouth after swallowing as well. It's got a nice subtly sour bread aftertaste.

The beer feels bizarre in the mouth too. It's thick and full bodied, but has a tingly sharp carbonation and a creaminess to it all at the same time. It leaves a bit of smooth coating on the teeth as well.

Overall it's a very different drink, but it's really good. It mixes the bitterness of tea, the taste of bread, and overall feel of beer at the same time. It's easy to get down, and really doesn't have an in-your-face flavor. Still it's not weak by any means. Too bad it's hard for us to find out here, Dan had to get this bottle from Seattle.

- Adam

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